Monday, January 23, 2012


Well, today I'm grateful I have a job!  Let me explain.  Last week Chris turned in his notice at his temp service as well as with First Energy.  A girl at work told me to tell him NOT to do it.  She worked at F.E. before and told me "DO NOT LET HIM PUT IN A NOTICE, JUST QUIT!".  I kept thinking that was mean to do, and I've always been told a 2 week notice.  So, he did.  Last night, we are at home, I'm in the tub, he's watching TV and the temp service calls, and tells him that F.E. has ended his assignment as of NOW.  Lovely.  So, now he has no job for 3 weeks.  Sigh.  So, thank you TWC for keeping me employed...No wonder Michelle said no notice should be given.  SHADY company, and supervisor.

1 comment:

  1. That sucks. At least he has a job he'll be starting in 3 weeks, though. Maybe they'll let him start sooner!
