Friday, February 17, 2012

19 days behind! Crap!

I'm having to go back to good old Facebook to try and see what happened all these days, but I'm THINKING, I may just list 19 things I'm grateful for, and list 'em all at once! :)

Ugh, so FB is not working right for me, so forget that lol  

So 19 things, this should be easy!

  1. Date night with my husband, once a week, required.
  2. Sleeping in!
  3. The Big Bang Theory!!!!  I LOVE this show!
  4. New nail polish!
  5. A husband that supports and feeds my polish habit lol
  7. Hubby liking his new j-o-b.
  8. Ulta ads!
  9. Puppy cuddles!
  10. GLITTER!
  11. Menchies Fro-Yo = addicted.
  12. New Girl, this week was hilarious lol
  13. Diet Coke from a fountain.
  14. Pintrest!
  15. That The Deluca Show is back on the air!
  16. Cinnamon and Raisin Bagels.
  17. Getting my eyebrows threaded.
  18. When someone else backs out of a close parking spot and you get it!
  19. My 90 day review for my transfer job going great and being pumped to stay up at my new posistion!
There!  I did it!  19 things I'm thankful for!  Now...lets see if I can remember to update more! :)