Sunday, January 29, 2012


Chris is still sleeping, so it's a good time for me to post and start with stuff around the house.  I'm giving him another 45 mins before I wake him :)  Today is "get the house in order" day.  Once we get everything on spot, we are starting a daily/weekly rotation of cleaning.  He found this schedule on line and modified it to what we need.  So, lets see, what part of my life am I thankful for today...LAUGHTER.  That is it!  Being able to laugh at stupid stuff.  We went to Target yesterday to get stuff we needed, and Chris was waiting w/ his turn signal on for a spot.  The guy pulled out and someone did a pull through from the other side and took our spot.  The guy saw us right away and offered to back up, but Chris just went around and parked behind him.  I told him "you should TOTALLY bump his car from behind and push him through like THIS IS MY SPOT"...Joking of course, Chris started cracking up and said "you are so wrong" lol.  Just stupid stuff like that to make me laugh sometimes does wonders :)


Another day with the love of my life.  We went and switched banks, got some stuff for around the house that we needed and then came home.  We were on our way back out, when mom called and asked us out to dinner on them!  We went to the NutHouse, a little hole in the wall place in Navarre.  Today, I'm thankful for my parents buying us food lol.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Dates.  I'm thankful for them.  Being able to go do some little stuff with my husband.  Last night we just went around Fairlawn and spent time together.  We don't have a lot of money right now, but we were able to enjoy a good dinner (thanks to a gift card from his amazing Aunt Judy) at TGIFridays, followed by AWESOME fro-yo at Menchies!  It was super good and I can't imagine a better evening :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today, I'm thankful for having a day off in the week.  I LOVE my weekends off...but sometimes it's nice to have a day EXTRA off :)  I work about every 4th Saturday, and when I do, I get a day in the following week off.  Kinda nice...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today I am thankful for milk and cookies.  That is all :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I think today should be dedicated to my co-workers.  Some of them I like.  Some of them I like A LOT more lol.  I have been up there JUST over 90 days.  I have been working a lot of closing shifts, and when I do that, I work with Charla.  She cracks me up and I adore working with her.  Kimberly is the newest girl, so she usually is on nights with us as well.  She does her "white girl can't dance" dance...and it kills me lol.  The other person I get along with really well, is Michelle.  Her and I have some really deep talks, but then we have some really funny ones too where neither one of us can breathe.  

Today, I am grateful for awesome co-workers!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Well, today I'm grateful I have a job!  Let me explain.  Last week Chris turned in his notice at his temp service as well as with First Energy.  A girl at work told me to tell him NOT to do it.  She worked at F.E. before and told me "DO NOT LET HIM PUT IN A NOTICE, JUST QUIT!".  I kept thinking that was mean to do, and I've always been told a 2 week notice.  So, he did.  Last night, we are at home, I'm in the tub, he's watching TV and the temp service calls, and tells him that F.E. has ended his assignment as of NOW.  Lovely.  So, now he has no job for 3 weeks.  Sigh.  So, thank you TWC for keeping me employed...No wonder Michelle said no notice should be given.  SHADY company, and supervisor.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I am thankful for weekends!  I love being able to spend 2 whole days with my husband.  I guess we will see after he starts his new job if he gets to KEEP his weekends off...We are not sure on that yet.  On our weekends USUALLY we do one night for dinner, and then I cook the other night.  We watch lots of goofy shows, and movies.  It is time to wind down before a new week starts.  

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Today, I worked, but then when I got out the Mr and I decided to go out.  We went to dinner at Red Robin, went to Books a Million and then stopped at Joanne Fabrics.  I used to quill but had "lost" my stuff...aka, put it somewhere I couldn't remember.  Mr tried to just have me buy more, but I didn't want to.  We got home and he went on a rampage looking for the stuff, and FOUND IT!   He's pretty amazing.  So, today, I am thankful that once Chris puts his mind to something, he doesn't stop til it's done/found lol

Friday, January 20, 2012


Today, I am grateful for a friend who came and got me to take me to work when my car wouldn't start!  When it is FREEZING out, I mean like 2 degrees, my car is really stubborn.  Today it wouldn't start at all and hubby had already gone to work.  I tried to get a hold of 2 of the girls from work, with no answers too quickly so I called my supervisor, let her know what was going on and then called Dusty.  Dusty was on his way to his g/f's house, so he suggested I call his mom.  Connie is one of my mothers at work lol  She came on her day off, on the crappy roads, and picked me up for work.  Connie, you rock!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Ok, I don't really think this counts as ME being thankful...but more hubby.  SNOW.  I hate snow...  He loves it.  We got some really good snow today, so he is happy, so that makes ME happy :)  I hate driving in the crap, but eh, I'm ok w/ it.  I learned to drive from November to May, so I'm pretty good at it.  I hate shoveling, I hate how my pants ALWAYS get wet on the ankles...but I LOVE seeing the dogs play in it, I love seeing Chris happy that it it's a toss up lol.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Early shift again today.  I NEVER get out on time when I work early!  EVER.  I don't get it.  When I'm there til close, we are AT MOST, 5-7 minutes late.  When I'm early, it's like 15 minutes!  Oh, wait.  I'm complaining, not being grateful lol. I am grateful for my uniforms.  I HATE having to pick out what to wear to work, being that I was jeans and t-shirt for so long and then to go to business casual.  Uniforms work GREAT for me. All I have to do is put on dark pants, dark shoes and one of my shirts.  Yaaaaa for uniforms!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Usually I complain about Mondays.  We were closed yesterday, so no complaining lol  Sooooo, I'll complain about today!  haha.  It seems lately I've been getting the early shift on Mondays, but today I am early.  I'm grateful for those days because it allows me to be home about the same time as Chris or a little before.  We get to eat dinner together and relax together.  Early shifts are a love/hate with me.  I don't really care for them on Mondays because USUALLY we have a ton of night drop payments, and I always do them when I work early but eh, it keeps me busy, I am grateful for NOT always working the same hours and having some variety!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Today, I'm thankful for days when I'm off work and hubby works.  It makes it easy for me to get stuff done around the house!  Not a big post today, but I'm busy! :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Today...I'm having a eh day.  So, let me think of what I want to post about today...I guess I'll post about how glad I am to have my iPhone.  It keeps me up to date on Facebook, the weather, my email, the time, my schedule for work, and keeps me entertained with games.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Today is a short one.  I'm grateful for my brown blanket my mom got me for Christmas.  It keeps me, along with any furballs that care to join me at any given time WARM.  <3

Friday, January 13, 2012


I think today will count as a two part gratitude post!  

Today I'm SO grateful to have a job that allows me time off!  I have a vacation day today, which ONE, I forgot I took til the schedule came out, so that was a nice surprise and TWO, I forgot we we are CLOSED on Monday, so it's a FOUR DAY WEEKEND!  

And in OTHER news!!!  Hubby has accepted a new job, with Fed Ex!  He starts on February 13th.  It pays better than his current job and it's closer to home as well.  He has NOT told his current company yet because I'm afraid they will use it as a reason to get rid of him early.  So a month from today, he will be starting!  

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Tonight, is all about my husband.  I never knew someone could mean so much to me, and that I could love someone so much.  Chris and I have been together since February 22, 2000.  We started dating my senior year of high school, his junior year.  Someone else was interested in Chris that we worked with at Target, so I tried to set them up.  After talking to him for a bit, I realized "No, I want to date him..." so before she could ask him out for a date, I went and asked him!  Our first date was to see Galaxy Quest, which was a horrible movie but we had fun anyways.  Chris and I got engaged on April 1st, 2004, and married on May 26th 2007.  He is my best friend, my love, and I truly believe, my soul mate.  We lived in Iowa for 3 years, from 2001 to 2004.  We had our first apartment out there, went through moves, new jobs, and so much more together before moving back here in 2004.

Mr Long, I love you and am so happy and honored you chose to spend your life with me.  I love you honeybear xoxo

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Tonight, is about Artie!  He is our newest baby and SO silly.  We got him in April of 2009 but we aren't sure of his actual birthday.  We got Artie from a lady Chris worked with.  I remember he asked me to go over and "just look at them", but as soon as I saw Artie in my husbands lap...I knew that kitty was coming home with us lol  We brought him home and the other two cats were NOT impressed!  Niko and Bella both hissed at him a lot.  He slept in the bathroom for a while, and we let them sniff him under the door to get used to his scent.  As of now, Niko is good with him, Bella...she isn't wild about him, but we do catch her every once in a while cleaning him :)  Artie is such a goofy cat, we think HE thinks he is a dog because he LOVES to play.  I love chasing him down the hall way, when he runs in the bed room, waits for you, then jumps on the bed!  He doesn't purr too often but when he's super loud.  He loves to play with Sophie, and Soph LOVES him, after he is HER kitty.  Artie loves to lay in the sink when you are in the bathroom.  He also lays in the tub, when there is NO water in it lol.  Artie is Daddys kitty I think.  He plays with your feet all the time too, when you are in bed.  He is super duper soft, and such a fun kitty.  

Artie:  Stink Butt, Baby Artie, Stinky, Baby Blue Eyes, Beebee Artie, Little Boy, Artimus, Stinky Kitten, Satan, Demon...

Artie:  Momma loves your furry behind!  You are so funny and I love playing with you!  Momma didn't want to get you, but I knew Daddy was in love with you from the minute you fell asleep in his lap.  You played us all for a fool, acting all sweet though!  lol  You make us laugh all the time because you are so goofy.  Thank you for playing with Sophie so much and for letting her chew on your face lol  You are so sweet and we love you!  Love always, Momma

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today, is all about Miss Sophia Mo.  This post should REALLY be written by Daddy because Sophie is 100% a Daddys girl!  We got Sophie in the summer of 2006.  She is such a sweet little girl and loves everyone, but...she loves her Daddy and her BoBo the most.  Her birthday is March 16th, so she is going to be 6 this year.  She is a Pekepoo, mostly black with some white spots.  Sophie LOVES to give kisses and will give them til you make her stop.  Most of her time is spent playing with BoBo, kissing Daddy and sleeping on HER cushion on the couch.  Sophie can make you smile anytime of the day, even when you don't WANT to.  Her tail goes NON STOP, because she is always a happy girl.  Unless Daddy corrects her, that makes her sad lol. Sophie loves to go on walks, but about 1/2 way thru she wants Daddy to carry her, which of course, he does...just like at the pet store, she will NOT ride in a cart, she MUST be held by her favorite person in the world...DADDY!  Sophie has been such a bright spot in our little family and I can't imagine things without her :)

Sophia:  Poodle, Peke, BoBo, Mo-Ped, BoBo Frito, Kia Sephia, Mowmy, Poodleloo, Sophia Mowey, Mojo BoBo, Daddys Girl, Honey Girl, SweetHeart...

Sophie, Momma loves you a ton and I am SO glad we got you!  Daddy loves the stuffin' out of you and so do I!  You are definitely a Daddys girl and so spoiled!  Thank you for being so LOVEY and I love that you are SO happy all the time and that you LOVE to play with your kitty!  Thank you for the kisses all the time and for loving your Daddy SO much!  Momma loves you poodle and I am SO blessed to have you in my life!  Love, Momma

Monday, January 9, 2012


Back to my baaaaaaabies!  Bella is up next!

We got Bella in Iowa along with the first two.  She did NOT come from Paws and Claws, she came from Pet Land, I think it was called.  We don't know her actual birthday so she has a "Gotcha Day", which is July 12th.  We got her in 2003 and she has been such a good little girl ever since.  She is lovey, and her motor goes NON STOP.  She loves blankeys, and loves to cuddle, aka lay on your chest.  We were worried when we got her that Niko was going to try and eat her!  Well, I was worried lol  Apparently Daddy knew he wouldn't.  She is a little ball of love that is so LOUD for her size!  She yells a lot and sometimes she yodels!  If you are in a different room and she doesn't know where you are, she will cry/yodel until you call for her, so she can find you.  She loves Momma and Daddy equal, doesn't play favorites like some of the others lol.  Bella is the sweetest out of all our kids, and also the most bashful.  She doesn't take to too many people at first, and will hide in the basement til she gets to know you.  She also is a diagnosed "Overactive cleaner".  She usually has no hair on her belly because she cleans it so much.  She has a "Doot" on her forehead, like Niko.  I forgot to mention it in his post...His is white, and hers is orange.  It is just a little spot of different colored fur right in between their eyes, a little up, on their forehead...

Bella aka:  Bella B, Bella B Tuna, Bumble Bee, Doodle Bug, Monkey, Baby B, Buela, Ashtabula, Coon Tail, Candy Cane Tail, Monk, little ball of love...

Bella, Momma loves you a lot!  You are so sweet and I love sharing my milk with you!  Momma is so glad we got you and love how sweet you are to your brothers and sister.  I know you don't get along with Sophie really good, but you try!  I love you sleeping in bed because your purring can put me to sleep, as I know you are doing it because you are HAPPY!  Doodle Bug, Momma loves you so much :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I love weekends!  One of my favorite parts, is getting up a few hours earlier than Chris, and just relaxing on the couch.  I've been cooking on either Saturday or Sunday every weekend for about 2 months I think.  So usually I spend a little bit of time in the kitchen preparing and stuff, so I enjoy being able to sit in silence with my furballs before I start on my "kitchen duties".  So, today I am thankful for this time I am using RIGHT NOW.  I also am grateful for my laptop.  A few years about, 2 maybe?  We went to Iowa to visit my in-laws.  They gave us a Visa gift card, and my husband used all of it to put towards a laptop for ME.  Sometimes you have to think back on things that you forgot about...when you are feeling un-appreciated...when you are feeling down.  Last night he tried to use his gift card he got at work to buy me a new phone charger.  Nothing for himself, but for me.  The Visa cards were for US...but he spent the whole thing...on me.  

So I've gotten completely off track with this one huh? lol  Writing this week in my blog has helped me realize that I have a lot to be thankful for...

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm skipping the babies post today and posting about something else...

Today I am grateful for the date night I had with the love of my life.  We went to Wasabi and he got his sushi that he loves.  To humor him I offered to try a piece of it.  It was horrible lol  I didn't THINK I would like it but I figured how many other things I NEVER would have eaten in the past that I now LOVE thanks to him having my try.  But THIS...this was a whole new level.  He took pictures of me eating it, and it was so bad lol.  He was almost in tears laughing at me, and I was almost in tears and throwing up lol  We had a good time, laughed a lot and spent time together.  I'm hoping this weekend holds another date night for us, for his birthday.  We went to Target, which we ALWAYS seem to end up here after dinner lol

Mr Long, I love you with all my heart and I am so honored that you love me back.  

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today I am going to continue my posts about my babies :)

Up next we have Niko.  He is the sweetest kitten in the world...well CAT, since he's not a baby anymore...He will be 10 this week!  I can't believe how fast time has gone since we got him.  We got Niko from Paws and Claws in Iowa, same place we got Lucky.  When we first got him we couldn't take him right away because we didn't have our apartment, so we had to keep him at the pet store.  When we first got him, he was a bad kitty and flung litter all over, and Momma was gonna take him back lol  Daddy convinced me to keep him, and I am SO glad we did!  Niko is a huge lump of fur that is ALWAYS ready for some lovin'.  He LOVES his Daddy, and his Momma, but not like he loves Daddy.  Niko loves to lay on your stomach when you are sleeping and just kneed away.  This cat gets away with anything because he is spoiled!  Nikos middle name is Spaz because when we got him he was itty bitty and was such a spaz, running all over the apartment.  He was NOT allowed to sleep in bed when we first got him, but now...he won't sleep anywhere else...unless it's a laundry basket full of clothes!  Niko talks a lot, and will carry on a conversation with you for a while...but his favorite person to talk Daddy.  I don't know what it is, but that cat LOVES him some Daddy :)  

Niko aka:  Fuzz, Fuzzbucket, Meow, Maow Maow, Baby Kitty, Now Maow, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Daddy's Baby Kitty...

Niko, Momma loves you and I am SO glad we got YOU and not another kitty.  You are the sweetest boy kitty.  Thank you for taking care of your sissy and cleaning are so nice to her.  I love carrying you around like the baby you are and I LOVE hearing your motor go all the time.  You make me laugh when you guys play in the hallway and I'm SO happy Daddy let me get a kitty and it was YOU.  Love you fuzz, Momma

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Today...I am grateful for my JOB!  I am so glad I made the switch to a different department in October of 2011.  I work with a group of girls that I really like working with, I don't have someone breathing down my neck non-stop, and I get EVERY holiday off.  I was worried about taking this job, leaving where I had been for over 4 years, but now...I am SOOO happy I did.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday's still early but I already know what I am grateful for!  My babies!  I think I posted in my "about me" section, but I'll still post about them!  Today, is all about our oldest...

Lucky Kujo-MY baby!  He was born on August 17th, in 2001.  He is 10 and is heart and soul.  Lucky is a Bichon Frise, all white and has the biggest brown eyes in the world.  He gets away with murder because he is a momma's boy.  As I type this, he is glued to my hip, laying beside me on the couch in his jammies.  Yes, he wears jammies.  He knows when momma doesn't feel good, he knows when momma is sad and he knows when momma just needs some "Teddy love".  We got Lucky in October of 2001, when we lived with my in-laws in Iowa when I was just 19.  Man, I feel old.  We got our own apartment in March of 2001, and moved in with Lucky.  His real name (registered name) is La Chance Des Cieux, which means The Luck of the Heavens.  Lucky is a big baby and LOVES to snuggle at night, under the blankets, even though Daddy hates it because once Roo gets hot, he starts panting a lot lol.  He is SO good with the other animals and SUPER protective of his little siblings!  He watches out for Sophia when she is playing with their cousins Tanner and Annie, 

Lucky aka:  Roo, Teddy, Bubba, Mommas Boy, Teddy Ruxpin, Roopert, Poopy, Lucky Looo Who, Bear, Loo, Loopert, Hammy, Hambone, Old Man, Teddy Bear, Lover, and I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting....

Lucky, you are and always will be my baby.  Momma loves you BEYOND words and I'm so glad Daddy whined to Gramma Long to get you!  You brighten my day EVERY day and I cannot imagine my life with out you.  You have snuggled me in all the rough times, been there for all the happy times and I absolutely ADORE your furry butt (and the rest of you lol).  Love always, Momma 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today....I am grateful for my job.  YES, we were SLAMMED.  But because of ALL of those angry/yelling/nice/sympathetic/crabby/tired people...I got paid.  And I made some sales too.  Sales=more $ for me!  It was ridiculous and I'm hoping tomorrow is a little slower.  Made my day FLY by but MAN, I was tired!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Starting off fresh...

I saw a post on my friends Facebook page (thanks Megan!) and decided to try and follow through with this.  I NEVER keep up with journals, so I'm hoping by simplifying it and making it a blog, I will continue to do this!  Below is her post that inspired me...

"Your homework assignment for the new year: Buy a notebook or journal and entitle it "365 Days of Gratitude." Each day, starting Jan 1, write something your thankful for that day. They can be small things like you found a front row parking space or you didn't eat that second slice of cake :) The point is to have a hard copy of everything we really do have to be thankful and grateful for! ♥"

 2011 was a year of ups and downs for me.  I had some really tough times, but I also had some amazing times as well...I'm hoping 2012 brings nothing but peace and love for my little family, as well as for my friends!

Now, lets get on with the GRATITUDE!  

Today, the second day of the year.  I wonder if we are allowed to be thankful for MORE than one thing?  Hmm.  Today, I am thankful for being off work for a 3 day weekend!  Being off today allows me to clean, do laundry and make dinner for my husband.  I just recently started cooking and I think I am going to love it.  Almost EVERYTHING I've made, he's loved, so that's a good thing!  

I suppose I should also post what I'm thankful for yesterday too, since I just started this blog.  Yesterday, we went to my parents house, had snacks and then dinner with my Dad, Mom, both Grandmas, moms friend Diane, my "little" brother Deej, his girlfriend Lizzy, and of course Chris and myself.  Yesterday, I was thankful for having cars to get where we need to go.  I have my little Saturn Ion that is almost paid off (yaaa!) and hubby has his new Cube that he LOVES.  I am blessed to be able to afford having 2 cars.  

'Til tomorrow...