Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Feb 17-May 16...3 months behind!!!

Man!  I swore I wouldn't slack!  And I did!  3 months worth!  I've neglected my nail polish blog as well as this one!!!!!  So...I need 90 freakin' things I'm thankful for!!!!  Let see if I can do this...

1.  Super soft cotton t-shirts
2.  Lemony Flutter, if you don't know what this's amazing, google it!
3.  My new iPhone 4S.  Apple, you have my heart!
4.  Siri!  She has gotten me home a few times when I'm lost and helps me text when I'm driving!
5.  Water for Elephants!  
6.  My Nook, since hubby gave it to me!
7.  Vacation days!
8.  Sweet sleepy kittens.
9.  A hot bath.
10.  Motorcycle rides w/ my dad.
11.  Good dental care that allowed me to get my gum graft!
12.  Vicodin, to get me thru the pain lol
13.  Getting caught up on bills!
14.  Toms shoes!!!  Thank you for saving my feet at work!
15.  Customers who let me sell them things for my commission lol  (Thank you Deej and Lizzy!!)
16.  Paydays!  (the money, not the candy bar lol)
17.  Glee!  I love that show!
18.  Never going hungry, as a child, or as an adult.
19.  My job for so many things...
20.  My co-workers, for making me laugh.
21.  Tanning, gives me time to just relax.  (I know, I know...)
22.  DJ for leaving his sweatpants here years ago that I
23.  Bath and Body Works for their AMAZING candles!!!
24.  My beautician!  Brianna is awesome!!
25.  Being blonde again!!!!!!
26.  My DVR.
27.  The emergency vet who helped us with Lucky <3
28.  Funyuns.  ohmmgee.  
29.  Waking up with OUT an alarm.
30.  Yahoo, for keeping me updated on the news!
(((Yaaaaaa!  I got one month done!!! lol)))
31.  Snuggle puppies!!!
32.  Nail files in my purse when I need them!
33.  Being close enuf to a casino for the first time in forever!  Can't wait to go.
34.  Flip flops.
35.  The 90's station on Music Choice!!!
36.  Being away from work for 8 days straight.
37.   The website
38.  Getting my eyebrows threaded.
39.  Hart of Dixie (still beyond mad they cut Secret Circle!!!)
40.  My hair!  I love it.  Don't hate.
41.  Finding enough change in my purse to get a pop at work :)
42.  Painting my nails, it relaxes me.
43.  My old VP at work asking me when I'm coming back.
44.  Earplugs at night lol
45.  Ice Cream!!!
46.  A certain co-worker who told me "those chili cheese fries from Wendys...ohmigod.  They were soooo good I almost humped them!" Bahaha.
47.  How everything always seems to fall in place...someone is watching out for me.
48.  Puck and Coach Beiste singing Taylor Swift!!!
49.  When the neighbor DOESN'T put their LOUD ass dog out at 7 am.
50.  Ulta in Cleveland lol
51.  Youtube!
52.  Larken Ogle, look her up.
53.  Downy Unstopables!
54.  Texting!
55.  Magnum White Chocolate.
56.  Menchies.  (yes, I like ice cream/fro-yo lol)
57.  HOT showers.
58.  Driving too fast, but not getting pulled over.
59.  Cleveland Indian games!
60.  My husband washing my hair for me...

Ok, I got 60 down!  I gotta take a break and refresh my mind lol