Monday, January 9, 2012


Back to my baaaaaaabies!  Bella is up next!

We got Bella in Iowa along with the first two.  She did NOT come from Paws and Claws, she came from Pet Land, I think it was called.  We don't know her actual birthday so she has a "Gotcha Day", which is July 12th.  We got her in 2003 and she has been such a good little girl ever since.  She is lovey, and her motor goes NON STOP.  She loves blankeys, and loves to cuddle, aka lay on your chest.  We were worried when we got her that Niko was going to try and eat her!  Well, I was worried lol  Apparently Daddy knew he wouldn't.  She is a little ball of love that is so LOUD for her size!  She yells a lot and sometimes she yodels!  If you are in a different room and she doesn't know where you are, she will cry/yodel until you call for her, so she can find you.  She loves Momma and Daddy equal, doesn't play favorites like some of the others lol.  Bella is the sweetest out of all our kids, and also the most bashful.  She doesn't take to too many people at first, and will hide in the basement til she gets to know you.  She also is a diagnosed "Overactive cleaner".  She usually has no hair on her belly because she cleans it so much.  She has a "Doot" on her forehead, like Niko.  I forgot to mention it in his post...His is white, and hers is orange.  It is just a little spot of different colored fur right in between their eyes, a little up, on their forehead...

Bella aka:  Bella B, Bella B Tuna, Bumble Bee, Doodle Bug, Monkey, Baby B, Buela, Ashtabula, Coon Tail, Candy Cane Tail, Monk, little ball of love...

Bella, Momma loves you a lot!  You are so sweet and I love sharing my milk with you!  Momma is so glad we got you and love how sweet you are to your brothers and sister.  I know you don't get along with Sophie really good, but you try!  I love you sleeping in bed because your purring can put me to sleep, as I know you are doing it because you are HAPPY!  Doodle Bug, Momma loves you so much :)

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