Friday, January 6, 2012


Today I am going to continue my posts about my babies :)

Up next we have Niko.  He is the sweetest kitten in the world...well CAT, since he's not a baby anymore...He will be 10 this week!  I can't believe how fast time has gone since we got him.  We got Niko from Paws and Claws in Iowa, same place we got Lucky.  When we first got him we couldn't take him right away because we didn't have our apartment, so we had to keep him at the pet store.  When we first got him, he was a bad kitty and flung litter all over, and Momma was gonna take him back lol  Daddy convinced me to keep him, and I am SO glad we did!  Niko is a huge lump of fur that is ALWAYS ready for some lovin'.  He LOVES his Daddy, and his Momma, but not like he loves Daddy.  Niko loves to lay on your stomach when you are sleeping and just kneed away.  This cat gets away with anything because he is spoiled!  Nikos middle name is Spaz because when we got him he was itty bitty and was such a spaz, running all over the apartment.  He was NOT allowed to sleep in bed when we first got him, but now...he won't sleep anywhere else...unless it's a laundry basket full of clothes!  Niko talks a lot, and will carry on a conversation with you for a while...but his favorite person to talk Daddy.  I don't know what it is, but that cat LOVES him some Daddy :)  

Niko aka:  Fuzz, Fuzzbucket, Meow, Maow Maow, Baby Kitty, Now Maow, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Daddy's Baby Kitty...

Niko, Momma loves you and I am SO glad we got YOU and not another kitty.  You are the sweetest boy kitty.  Thank you for taking care of your sissy and cleaning are so nice to her.  I love carrying you around like the baby you are and I LOVE hearing your motor go all the time.  You make me laugh when you guys play in the hallway and I'm SO happy Daddy let me get a kitty and it was YOU.  Love you fuzz, Momma

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